About Us

Baker, Bloomberg & Associates is dedicated to results and relationships. The nationwide network of attorneys that are coordinated through BBA are all creditor and collection attorneys that specialize in commercial collections and litigation.

Baker, Bloomberg & Associates’ approach is to make sure our clients are aware of everything that is going on as well as which actions are and will be taken to achieve the desired results.

BBA provides an entire line of services that helps our clients be proactive and knowledgeable with regard to their credit department and current clients.

Our Philosophy

“The Golden Rule” is to treat people the way that you want to be treated. Baker, Bloomberg & Associates embraces this same philosophy with our clients as well the customer base we engage with.

Given the inherent nature of the industry, it may seem counterintuitive to employ such a philosophy. However, with regard to achieving results for our clients the phrase; “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness” echoes our philosophy for producing results yet doing so in a manner that protects the client brand and customer relationship.

Baker will utilize all available and necessary means to resolve our client’s matters amicably and quickly. Only until then have we done our job. However, our service does not stop there – We try to help our clients employ better processes internally to avert the same type of situation in the future.

Results driven,
client oriented.

Our goal is a partnership with our clients to help you recover lost income, aid in identifying potential problems and provide a solutions based package driven by your specific industry and geared towards meeting your cash flow goals and business plan, from cradle to grave.

Presenting a game plan to attack the root of the cause of these challenges allows us to assist you in moving forward as a business. Every client of Baker, Bloomberg & Associates is given access to free tools which, in themselves, swings the pendulum in your favor.

→ Rising Star 2013
→ Client Advocate 2013
→ Creditor Rights Advocate
→ Recovery Specialists